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St. Augustine's Monument in Cassago
St. Augustine's Monument
This image presents a 1986 monument at Cassago Brianza (which either is, or is not, the site of Augustine's "Cassiciacum", known from book 9 of the Confessions and from his early dialogues written there).
The Latin reads "Verecundo / Mediolanensi et civi et grammatico / Aurelius Augustinus / rure eius Cassiaco feriatus / ubi ab aestu seculi requievit in deo / ob egregiam erga se humanitatem / amici familiarissimi / m[onumentum]. f[ecit]. / Valentiniano Aug. VII et Eutropio coss."
The first line doubtless refers to Verecundus, known from Conf. 9.3.5, which offers thanks to him "pro rure illo eius Cassiciaco, ubi ab aestu saeculi requievimus in te". The text translated thus would be: "to Verecundus, Milanese citizen and teacher, Aurelius Augustine, having been at leisure at his country place at Cassiacum, where he found rest in God from the turbulence of the secular world, build this monument of his dear friend in return for his great kindness shown, in the consulship of Valentinian Augustus [consul for the] seventh [time] and of Eutropius." The text thus presents itself as though written 1600 years ago, apparently by Augustine himself.